
If you have just joined the world of whiskey or bourbon, you are probably scouring the interwebs trying to connect and find as much information as possible.  You see things like BIB (Bottled in Bond) or OWA (Old Weller Antique), then wonder what the heck?

Here are some basic acronyms that will help you get started:

1B Single Barrel
4R Four Roses (aka FR)
4RYL Four Roses Yellow Label
AB Abraham Bowman
ABV Alcohol By Volume, expressed as a percentage. Ex. 90% ABV, which is 45 proof.
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AE Angel’s Envy
AECS Angel’s Envy, Cask Strength
AHH A.H. Hirsch
AS Age Stated
BF Brown Foreman
BIB Bottled in Bond (but you knew that already, didn’t you?)
BP Barrel Proof
BT Buffalo Trace
BTAC Buffalo Trace Antique Collection
BTEC Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection
CEHT Colonel E. H. Taylor (aka EHT)
CONUS Continental United States (usually used in reference to shipping)
CS Cask Strength
EC Elijah Craig
ECBP Elijah Craig Barrel Proof
EHT Colonel E. H. Taylor (aka CEHT)
ETL Elmer T. Lee
FC Fighting Cock
FR Four Roses (aka 4R)
GD George Dickel
GNS Grain Neutral Spirits
GTS George T. Stagg (part of the BTAC)
HH Heaven Hill
HW High West
JB Jim Beam
JD Jack Daniels
JPS Jefferson’s Presidential Select
LE Limited Edition
Lot B Van Winkle Special Reserve Lot B
M10, M20 Michter’s 10 Year, Michters 20 Year
MM Makers Mark
MWND Mid-Winter Nights Dram (from High West)
NAS Non-Age Stated
OESO, OESF, OESV, OESK, OBSO, OBSF, OBSV, OBSK  These are the Four Roses bourbon recipes. You should try them all. 🙂
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OF Old Forester (some use it as Old Fitzgerald)
OFBB Old Forester Birthday Bourbon
OGD Old Grand Dad
ORVW Old Rip Van Winkle
OS Old Scout
OWA Old Weller Antique
Pf or PF or pf Proof
PVW Pappy Van Winkle
RHF Rock Hill Farms
RHR Rittenhouse Rye
RRR Russell’s Reserve Rye
RY Rebel Yell
SA Smooth Ambler
SMOS Smooth Ambler Old Scout
SAZ Sazerac
SB Single Barrel (aka 1B)
SFTB Straight from the Barrel ( A Blanton’s international release)
SmB Small Batch
THH Thomas H. Handy (part of the BTAC)
VWFRR Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye
W12 Weller 12
WFE Willett Family Estate
WLW William Larue Weller (part of the BTAC)
WR Woodford Reserve
WT Wild Turkey
WTRB Wild Turkey Rare Breed
YO Years Old

All industries and passions have short hand that lessens the effort to share information. But it leaves newbies overloaded and confused. If you are one of the people who posts a ton about bourbon or whiskey, do your fans/readers a favor and write out your acronyms. At the least, do it the first time you use the term. It helps all of us to understand.

Check out for a full listing of acronyms and terminology!

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